


Chunyan Ma, Jushuang Pan, Cheng Chen, Yuanyuan Dong, Feng Yao, Fengbang Wang, Maoyong Song. Investigation into the roles of interfacial H2O structure in catalytic oxidation of HCHO and CO over CuMnO2 catalysts[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2024,137:310-320.

Chen Zihan, Li Yue, Xia Honghuan, Wang Yuanyuan, Pang Shaochen, Ma Chunyan, Bi Lei, Wang Fengbang, Song Maoyong, Jiang Guibin. Chronic exposure to polystyrene microplastics increased the chemosensitivity of normal human liver cells via ABC transporter inhibition. Science of the total environment, 2024 Feb 20;912:169050.

Mei Du, Jingzhang Liu, Lei Bi, Fengbang Wang, Chunyan Ma, Maoyong Song*, Guibin Jiang. Effects of oilfield-produced water discharge on the spatial patterns of microbial communities in arid soils. Science of The Total Environment. 2024, 916, 170333.

Mei Du, Jingzhang Liu, Qiong Wang, Fengbang Wang, Lei Bi, Chunyan Ma, Maoyong Song*, Guibin Jiang. Immobilization of laccase on magnetic PEGDA–CS inverse opal hydrogel for enhancement of bisphenol A degradation in aqueous solution. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2025, 147, 74-82.

Bin Shi, Jing Meng , Tieyu Wang, Qianqian Li, Qifan Zhang , Guijin Su*, The main strategies for soil pollution apportionment: A review of the numerical methods. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2024, 136: 95-109.

Xu Zhao, Jing Meng, Qianqian Li, Guijin Su*, Qifan Zhang, Bin Shi, Lingwen Dai, Yong Yu*, Source apportionment and suitability evaluation of seasonal VOCs contaminants in the soil around a typical refining-chemical integration park in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2024, 137: 651-665.

Zhiwei Zhou, Qianqian Li*, Guijin Su, Jiaxin Pang, Bohua Sun, Jing Meng, Bin Shi. Catalytic degradation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) over Ce-Mn-Ti composite oxide catalysts. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2024, 138: 326-338.

王晨熹, 孟晶 .电镀行业排放重金属及全氟化合物时空分布及风险评估. 环境化学, 2024, 43(6): 1-17.

李珊, 苏贵金 . 基于 Catboost 算法的中国典型农业区重金属污染特征及影响因素分析. 环境化学, 2024, 43, 1-11.